新連載 プラープダー・ユン さすらうアート・ラボ Coming Soon...!





多数の小説、短編小説やエッセイのコレクションを出版し、「ライ麦畑でつかまえて」「時計じかけのオレンジ」のような現代英語の古典文学もタイ語に翻訳。2002年に、彼の短編小説のコレクション「存在のあり得た可能性(英題:Probability)」で、タイで最も権威ある東南アジア文学賞を受賞。 他、プラープダーは定期的に日本で雑誌に執筆したり、アートのエキシビションを開催。また、映画「地球で最後のふたり」「インビジブル・ウェーブ」(主演:浅野忠信)の脚本や、現代アーティスト名和晃平の様々なアートプロジェクトにも協力。最新の小説は「パンダ」

Prabda Yoon

Born in 1973, a Thai writer and publisher based in Bangkok. He has published numerous novels, short story collections, and essay collections. In addition, he has also translated modern English-language classic literature such as The Catcher in the Rye and A Clockwork Orange into Thai. In 2002, his short story collection, Kwam Na Ja Pen (English: Probability), won the SEA Write Award.

Apart from working in Thailand, Prabda has regularly written for Japanese magazines and exhibited artworks in Japan. He has written 2 screenplays for films starring Tadanobu Asano and he is presently collaborating on various art projects with Japanese contemporary artist Kohei Nawa. His literary works have been translated into Japanese, of which the most recent is the novel Panda.


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