017 Literature that transcends time and space

2012.2. 1

February 2012
017 Literature that transcends time and space

A leading contemporary Japanese novelist whose works are drawing the attention of publishing houses around the world talks about her thoughts and works to a master translator.

Top Story
What Does It Mean to Live in History? Talking about the Novel Tree House
Mitsuyo Kakuta, Writer
Mitsuyoshi Numano, University of Tokyo

Contributed Article
My Relationship with the Japanese Language and Literary Translation
Yue Yuankun
PhD student, Beijing Center for Japanese Studies

Serialized Essay
005 You Plant A Seed, You Watch Your Seed Becomes A Tree, You've Made Art
Prabda Yoon
Writer and publisher

Behind the Scene
Mizore (sleet)--Koji Suzuki in Moscow--
Anastasia Pushkova
Japanese Culture Department "Japan Foundation" of the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature

Page top▲

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082: My Life in Japan, Living and Working in Japanese
080: The 50th Japan Foundation Awards
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078: The 49th Japan Foundation Awards
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077: Living Together with Japanese Language
076: Inner Diversity
075: The 48th Japan Foundation Awards―Linking the World through Culture amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
074: Beyond Disasters - Telling the Stories
073: Crossing Borders, Engaging in Exchanges and Harnessing the Power of Creation amid COVID-19
072: Japanese art blossoming in the United States
071: The 47th Japan Foundation Awards―the Bond between Japan and the World Nurtured by Culture, Language and Knowledge
070: Japan & Southeast Asia: Building Bonds through Sports
069: Contemporary Japanese literature spreading through the world
068: Success of Japonismes 2018
067: Literature and music that resonate across borders and Japanese culture handed down from the past: The Japan Foundation Awards 2018
066: A Passion for learning Japanese spreads worldwide
065: Contemporary Arts that Link Japan and Cuba
064: Japonismes 2018: Introducing the essence of Japanese arts and culture in France
063: Passion and Curiosity Open Doors to Cross-Cultural Communication - The Japan Foundation Awards 2017
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056 Five Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake
055 Various Ways of International Friendship and Cultural Exchange: The Japan Foundation Awards 2015
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051 Interaction on a Global Scale: The 2014 Japan Foundation Prizes for Global Citizenship
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049 Parisians were Mesmerized by Hokusai Once Again--The 200th Anniversary of the Hokusai Manga
048 Language and Laughter that Connect People -- The Japan Foundation Awards 2014
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034 An Unabridged Analysis--Koki Tanaka @ Venice Biennale
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017 Literature that transcends time and space
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010 After 3.11
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007 The world meets butoh
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004 表現としてのマンガ
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Wochi Kochi Magazine
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